09 January, 2023

Employer brand – why and how to build it? Part I.

“The ease is over already.” This phrase is how the labour market situation could be summarised from the employer's point of view. Why? We live in a time when attracting well-qualified professionals to an organisation, as well as retaining existing employe…

02 February, 2022

What good moderation is and why you need it so badly

Content design in social media channels is often (and should be!) combined with the moderation of the contact with the audience. After all, fans and followers on our Facebook and Instagram profiles want not only to receive content but also to say what’s o…

24 January, 2022

Social media trends for 2022

Hello again, it’s 2022 already! If I were to say what I wish for myself and my professional colleagues, I would put it in a nutshell: the right balance. Every year, one influencer I privately follow sets up a hashtag, which she uses as a signature below h…

17 January, 2022

Video marketing – how to shoot to make people go wow?

According to forecasts, in 2022 video content will generate as much as... 82% of all online traffic. What does that mean? To put it simply, if you're not investing in video marketing, you're falling behind and missing out on the big opportunities that com…

17 December, 2021

7 principles of a successful corporate event

A good event is like launching a rocket: everything has to be carefully planned and prepared down to the last detail. It is thanks to this approach that the passengers’ experience may be unforgettable, if not cosmic. A company party, conference, or gala? …

17 December, 2021

DTP - an evergreen form of promotion

Rumours about the death of paper in the era of digital communication are strongly exaggerated. Nowadays, traditional print offers to companies many attractive forms of promotion. Is it worth using them? And if so, for what purpose and how? Let us give you…

17 December, 2021

How to cope with procrastination in the creative process?

Having read that September 6 is Fight Procrastination Day, I remembered (what an irony of fate!) that a few weeks earlier I’d started a how-to article about ways to combat procrastination. I don't think there’s a greater motivation to finish writing the t…

17 December, 2021

Jak nas widzą, tak nas piszą

Przywołaj rozmarzony wyraz twarzy. Pstryk! Udawaj zamyślonego. Pstryk! Wyobraź sobie… Pstryk! Czy ten monolog wygląda znajomo? Być może masz już za sobą pierwszą randkę z obiektywem aparatu. Za chwilę okaże się, czy to była miłość od pierwszego wrażenia. …

17 December, 2021

Pożyczanie zdjęć z Internetu

Znalezione, nie kradzione – mówi polskie powiedzenie. Zanim jednak będziemy bronić „pożyczonych” zdjęć z Internetu, jak Najman Górniak, warto sprawdzić, jak sprawa wygląda od strony prawnej. To, że znaleźliśmy fotografię czy grafikę w sieci, wcale nie ozn…

17 December, 2021

Chcesz być widoczny? Postaw (na) karton

Każdego dnia człowiek wchłania średnio około 34 gigabajtów danych, co odpowiada 100 tys. słów. W takim gąszczu ciężko przebić się do odbiorcy z kolejnymi komunikatami. Ale spokojnie – bo w tym miejscu na scenę, cały na biało, wkracza… karton. W sferze wiz…

17 December, 2021

Znajdź swoją łasiczkę, czyli kilka słów o portrecie biznesowym

Jeżeli trop, który zostawiłam w tytule artykułu sprawił, że Twoje myśli powędrowały do jednego z najsłynniejszych obrazów Leonardo da Vinci to … jeden zero dla mnie. Jednak nie ja wyjdę z tej gry zwycięsko. Z tego artykułu wyniesiesz kilka informacji niez…

17 December, 2021

Od copywritera do bohatera – jak napisać artykuł internetowy?

Jeśli za radą Laski z „Chłopaki nie płaczą” odpowiedziałeś sobie na jedno bardzo ważne pytanie: co lubisz w życiu robić i wyszło, że pisać, zapewne nie masz problemów z ortografią i poprawnym składaniem zdań. Jednak potrzeba czegoś więcej, żeby czytelnik …

17 December, 2021

Podcasty - o co tyle hałasu?

Bawią do łez i przedstawiają ciekawe historie, „terapeutyzują” i pozwalają lepiej poznać świat, wreszcie przekazują wiedzę z różnych dziedzin – nowoczesnych technologii, zdrowego stylu życia czy finansów. A to wszystko zapakowane w pliki audio, które możn…

17 December, 2021

Internal crisis communication in time of plague

“Houston, we have a problem!" and it's one that can't be solved by making one phone call, sending an e-mail, or issuing a statement. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, brands are being tested for their speed of response and pulling themselves together in …

17 December, 2021

Influencer marketing - where to start?

One of my favourite quotes from the most contemporary literature is the words that Strong, the protagonist of the novel “The Polish-Russian War”, uttered during a skirmish to his rival - Left. The quote goes like this: you either know the password, or you…

17 December, 2021

When writing a press release... watch your language!

Without the fine-tuned language to communicate, even the most important and interesting content of a press release will become lost. It won’t be saved by its catchy title, perfect layout, or one-of-a-kind photo. So how do you write an effective (and punch…

17 December, 2021

Company newspaper - is it worth going for the classic?

A crisis of journalism? Certainly not in your company newspaper! You don't publish it yet? Then read about when and why it's worth it. Perhaps you think that the company newspaper is a tool incompatible with modern communication, based on rapidly changing…

17 December, 2021

The blog has died - long live the blog!

The title is a bit perverse, but it conveys quite well what is now going on in the blogosphere. And there are different things going on currently: what you’ll see is up to what you want to look at. Some people predict the end of the blog as a medium that …

17 December, 2021

How is a good press release made?

In an ideal world, it would be created by Henry Kissinger, Adam Mickiewicz, and Matthew the fortune-teller. Fortunately, a good press release can be written without them, using a proven mix of diplomacy, literature, and magic. To paraphrase the protagonis…

17 December, 2021

The company's Facebook profile: when and how to run it?

More than 16 million Polish Internet users are already registered on Facebook, and there are certainly many of your clients among them. So how to tackle this popular social medium in order to fully tap into its communication potential? For many companies,…